Monday, May 29, 2017

The weekend in La Esperanza

So Cristina wanted me to rest on Saturday which I did. I had set my alarm and didn't realize it was in Miami time so it woke me up way early. So a nap was also due... around 3 I went to Cristina's store and hung out there. I had forgotten how much people stare and without a group with me all of the stares are focused on me and me alone. It can be very unnerving. I miss being able to hide with in the group.
Norma's son brought more mushrooms! I forgot to mention in yesterday's post that Cristina had bought some mushrooms. These mushrooms are native to this area and only grow when the rainy season has been good. She cooked some up to go with the chicken. These mushrooms are red and look like all of the artistic mushrooms seen in paintings and sculptures. Well and now we have more mushrooms! I am normally a hater on mushrooms but these aren't too bad, and they are picked in the forest!

Sunday was a day!
First we traveled to a church and Marvin preached. It was a small chapel. And we were given more mushrooms! Then we drove to San Antonio to drop of rosa and Perot Carlos, the chapel is at rosas mothers house. Marvin preached there twice a month. Lots of mountain roads! 
Then Cristina, Marvin and I went to San Juan and had lunch at a cute little comedor which is a little eatery. We talked and visited. Then we went back to San Antonio and picked up rosa and her children and we went to Valle. These roads were crazy and I wish we had a Go pro for the end of the truck. Some of these road angles I have only seen on roller coasters!
There Marvin preached on Galatians taking about what not to do and the fruit of the spirit.
the picture below is of the Sunday shook at this church. The servic starts at about 4:20 and the the children below have been ther since 1pm! They go for Sunday school/ discipleship. They have been given children's bibles from Samaritan's purse. I can't believe the children go there for 4+ hours!!!
As the service let out the children started running to marvins truck they wanted to make sure that they got a ride home! As we left Marvin had about 20-30 people in the back of his truck! We were so lucky that it had stopped raining for this trip. Four wheeling out there is serious!
After making our various stops dropping people off we made our way back to San Antonio and dropped rosa and her children off. They invited us to their church service but we were exhausted and we will try next week!
Sunday was a very long day and Monday will be our day of rest. 
Prayer requests:
Health for Marvin, Cristina, and I as we travel to different villages and shake a lot of hands. :)
That as Cristina, Marvin, and I talk that we will be able to think of ideas to raise money for the ministries here.
And of course safe travels everywhere!

Until the next post! I think I will be going to the prison on Tuesday but we will see. We have a big day on Wednesday traveling to different villages and taking in the schools.



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